husband wife dispute problem solution

Husband Wife Dispute Problem Solution
It is the responsibility of both the husband and the wife to respect each other and have trust in each other. When trust becomes zero, minor problems also takes shape of major problems. Both the person has to be compromising and adjusting towards each other to maintain balance in the relationship. Lack of coordination in a relationship is due to the followings:
  1. Male ego
  2. Lack of communication between the husband and the wife
  3. No initiative of compromise from any side
  4. Lack of trust
  5. Misunderstanding between each other
Astrology provides complete conflict resolution for married couples. Instead of sharing your marital troubles with an expert astrologer, if you go and discuss it with your family and friends, you only will add on to your difficulties.

An external person cannot help you in getting rid of husband wife problems. In fact, when you go out and discuss your marital issues with others, you only give them a topic to gossip and harm your own respect. Astrology can help you to get rid of the marital troubles.

Malefic positions of some planets in your birth chart may be the reason of your marital dispute. That is why; Kundali Milap is an important part of Indian marriages. Mars, Venus and Jupiter play an important role in your marriage. Malefic effects of Mars bring the followings:


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